Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Trainer's Page

Yarg! If ye're gonna be a-reading this blog ye ought to be checking out the latest feature on our website. Its a page for the pirate trainers. I'll be includin the link below. Make sure ye scroll across the images for the rollovers.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A pirate conversation

Click to here our podcast that has been placed on our website.

Or just visit the blasted website, ye mutinous bucko!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pirate Pizazz

We would like to make note of the fact that the Red Pirate group members endeavored to work on their pirate project outside of class time. Bonus points or Spanish galleons will be accepted assuming that our class instructor actually reads this particular entry.
Anyway, in preparation for our project, Red wore her pirate gear to the classroom and despite the fact that it was dark outside and visibility was low a seafaring stranger called out to her. What did he say, you ask? Why nothing less than "Yargggg!"
Which just goes to show that there are reformed pirates out there who have managed to learn such skills as basic hygiene and etiquette, thus proving the necessity of a program like Red Pirates, which aims to teach these skills. There is at least one reformed pirate out there to prove it. Avast!